LP Building Solutions: Human Rights Policy
LP Building Solutions (« LP » s'engage à protéger les droits humains et à promouvoir un environnement de travail diversifié, équitable, inclusif et sûr dans l'ensemble de ses opérations. Nous reconnaissons l'impact que peuvent avoir les grandes organisations dans le respect et la promotion des droits de l'homme dans nos communautés. Nous avons adopté cette politique pour l'ensemble de nos activités afin d'énoncer nos valeurs en matière de conditions de travail et de droits de la personne, et de souligner notre philosophie quant à la manière dont nous menons nos activités.
LP complies with all applicable national laws and international treaties concerning human rights, social rights, labor rights. We are guided by international principles of human rights, including principles expressed in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the applicable portions of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the International Labour Organization's Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.
LP is committed to upholding fundamental human rights. We believe that all human beings around the world should be treated with dignity, fairness, and respect, and will hold ourselves accountable to do so.
LP will seek out opportunities to engage with stakeholders and identify potential enhancements of this Human Rights Policy (this "Policy"). We will work to modify or update this Policy in order to account for potential significant changes in laws or regulations applicable to our operations around the world or to incorporate potential recommendations identified in connection with stakeholder engagements, or in other circumstances where LP deems modifications or updates are appropriate.
Application of this Policy
This Policy is a global policy and applies to all operations of LP and its subsidiaries, regardless of geographic location. Nos employés sont tenus de se conformer à la présente politique, qui est accessible au public sur notre site et communiquée en interne à nos employés. LP expects all partners-customers, suppliers, contractors and other business partners-to share the same commitment to human rights that we have. We are committed to working with and encouraging our business partners to comply with the principles set forth in this Policy. LP's Supplier Code of Conduct applies to our suppliers and is aligned with the principles and standards reflected in this Policy.
Conseil d'administration
LP's Governance and Corporate Responsibility Committee, which is a committee of directors appointed by the Board of Directors of LP, is responsible for the oversight of this Policy. The Board of Directors of LP has adopted this Policy.
Notre propre conduite des affaires et notre éthique
In accordance with our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, we are committed to the highest level of ethical standards in conducting our business around the world. Our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics addresses important topics including:
La promotion d'un lieu de travail équitable, l'interdiction de la discrimination, du harcèlement et de la violence sous toutes ses formes, et l'engagement de fournir un lieu de travail sûr.
Providing equal employment opportunities to all applicants and prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, pregnancy, veteran status or any other reason prohibited by applicable law. LP reconnaît la valeur de la diversité et de l'inclusion sur le lieu de travail et dans notre chaîne d'approvisionnement, ainsi que l'importance de respecter et de protéger les droits des minorités et des groupes de femmes.
Veiller au respect de toutes les lois garantissant des pratiques d'emploi équitables et le respect des droits de la personne.
Reconnaître les droits des employés à la libre association et à la négociation collective.
Encourager le personnel de LP à faire part de ses préoccupations et maintenir un processus indiquant comment le personnel de LP peut faire part de ses préoccupations et comment LP enquêtera sur les préoccupations qui sont signalées.
Our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics applies to our Board of Directors, Senior Management, along with all of LP's employees, vendors, agents and any other parties working on behalf of LP or any of our subsidiaries.
Nous attendons de nos fournisseurs qu'ils respectent les principes éthiques et juridiques les plus stricts. In accordance with our Supplier Code of Conduct, we expect that our suppliers and direct contractors will treat their employees fairly, in accordance with applicable laws, regulations and industry standards, and to apply sound employment practices in all facets of the employment relationship, including those that pertain to wages, working hours, overtime, benefits, and employee rights. As a general practice, we seek to include obligations in our supplier contracts requiring suppliers to comply with our Supplier Code of Conduct, including the provisions of our Supplier Code of Conduct that involve human rights principles. We expect our suppliers to ensure that no abusive and exploitative conditions or unsafe working conditions exist at any of their facilities. Cela inclut :
Assurer des conditions de travail sûres, notamment en se conformant à toutes les normes de sécurité applicables et aux exigences gouvernementales et autres en matière de sécurité.
Ensuring employee preparedness in the case of an emergency situation.
Employing a diverse workplace, free from discrimination, harassment or any other form of abuse.
Refraining from utilizing or sourcing products or services from entities associated with forced, bonded, indentured, involuntary, exploitative prison, trafficked or slave labor, and ensuring that their own suppliers comply with this requirement.
Maintaining compliance with the LP Supplier Code of Conduct which includes communicating the requirements of the LP Supplier Code of Conduct to all employees, affiliates, agents and subcontractors of the supplier (in their local language), and maintaining all documentation necessary to demonstrate compliance with the LP Supplier Code of Conduct.
Any supplier, contractor or other business partner found in violation of this Policy may be subject to responsive or corrective action as described under the “Accountability” heading below, including but not limited to potential termination of the applicable business relationship.
Inclusion et appartenance
LP s’engage à favoriser une culture inclusive qui améliore sa capacité à attirer et à retenir des talents diversifiés à tous les niveaux. Nous apprécions la richesse qui provient de la diversité des origines, des expériences, des perspectives et des talents. Cet engagement renforce non seulement notre compétitivité, mais s’aligne également sur nos valeurs, nos principes et nos politiques. Our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, along with this Policy, holds us accountable for maintaining a workplace free from abuse, discrimination, and harassment. These standards require us to uphold a culture of mutual respect which ensures the dignity of every LP team member.
Reconnaissance des droits des peuples autochtones
LP s'engage à établir et à maintenir des relations harmonieuses avec les peuples et les nations autochtones dans tous les lieux où nous excerçons nos activités. LP's efforts in building positive relationships with Indigenous Peoples and Nations shall be guided by established government laws and regulations, treaties, agreements, and the principles contained within United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), including the principle of Free Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC), as well as the International Labour Organization's Convention No. 169 (Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989).
Child Labor, Forced Labor and Human Trafficking
LP does not use or condone the use of child or forced labor or human trafficking, denounces any degrading treatment of individuals or unsafe working conditions. In addition, LP will not knowingly engage a supplier or vendor, or enter into a joint venture or other commercial partnership with an organization that directly or indirectly, through a third party, employs child labor or forced labor or participates in human trafficking. LP se conforme à toutes les lois nationales et à tous les traités internationaux applicables concernant les droits de l'homme, les droits sociaux, les droits du travail, conformément aux principes de la Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme des Nations Unies.
Entreprise citoyenne
LP collaborates with industry associations, partners with nongovernmental organization, and engages with chambers of commerce and trade organizations to uphold sound corporate citizenship and to deepen our understanding of the communities we serve. Since 1973, the LP Foundation—an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit entity funded entirely by LP—has been Building a Better World™ by contributing millions of dollars to nonprofits and public schools in the areas where LP operates. Charitable contributions are governed by a seven-member Board of Trustees, comprised entirely of LP team members appointed by the company's chief executive officer to serve three-year terms. For more details on our partnerships and philanthropic efforts, please refer to our annual Sustainability Report.
LP conducts annual employee training programs focused on our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics training. These training programs include an overview of this Policy and the principles set forth in it.
Signaler des préoccupations
LP encourage et s’attend à ce que quiconque craint qu’une activité soit en violation de la présente politique signale cette préoccupation.. Concerns may be reported through our confidential LP reporting service, LP Confidential (800-496-4892 or LPConfidential.lpcorp.com).
Les appelants doivent être prêts à identifier l'établissement concerné et à fournir une description détaillée de leur préoccupation. LP is committed to preserving anonymity, and no attempt will be made to ascertain a caller's identity unless reasonably required to investigate a report. If the caller chooses to remain anonymous, an LP representative will attempt to contact the caller on an anonymous basis.
Chaque préoccupation est prise au sérieux. LP s'engage à répondre de manière adéquate et appropriée aux allégations d'actes répréhensibles. Dans certains cas, il peut être nécessaire de mener des enquêtes pour déterminer ce qui s'est passé et la meilleure ligne de conduite à adopter.
Les employés de LP, les fournisseurs et les autres parties concernées sont censés coopérer si on leur demande de donner des interviews, de répondre à des questions ou de fournir des dossiers et des documents pertinents pour examen par le(s) enquêteur(s).
LP s'engage à veiller à ce que les personnes qui font des signalements de bonne foi ne soient pas sanctionnées pour l'avoir fait. LP interdit strictement les représailles, y compris toute forme de discipline, de représailles ou d'intimidation, pour avoir participé à une activité protégée par la présente politique ou par la loi. De même, les efforts visant à décourager ou à empêcher une personne de déposer une plainte ne seront pas tolérés. LP enquêtera sur tout cas de représailles éventuelles et prendra les mesures qui s'imposent.
This Policy is not all inclusive. At a minimum, however, LP requires that all LP employees and covered business partners meet the standards expressed in this Policy. LP reserves the right to take appropriate responsive or corrective action following any violation of this Policy, including but not limited to termination of the applicable employment relationship or business relationship.